Hmmm, what to say, what to say! Describe myself? Short, round, an introvert by nature but capable of socializing when necessary. Love to stay home, snuggled in my chair, with a book or my Kindle, reading hour after hour. What do I like to read? Romance, cozy mysteries, reverse harem, gay romance, paranormal, supernatural, sci-fi, and adventure. For me, reading is an escape so I tend to stay away from non-fiction or scary stuff. (shiver) I have a younger brother who is the best, a sis-in-law who is the rock of our family, four nephews, four nieces, and three great-nieces. Not to mention several cousins! My cousin Cindy was my biggest supporter as I began my writing journey, helping me with grammar, editing, and most of all, being my beta reader even though romance is not her favorite genre. She also listened as I ranted, raved, cried, and basically dumped all my emotions onto her shoulders during the writing and editing process. The biggest thrill was when I submitted my book to an online publishing company and they wanted to publish it! Over the past year, I’ve learned a lot about editing, for sure! The first editing draft had me in tears – how could they not love every single word!!!! But, as they were experts in the field, I got myself together, trusted their advice, and went to work making changes. Hard lesson to learn, believe me! Anyway, I spent a little time in the Women’s Army Corps (yes, I was a WAC), married #1, gave birth to and then buried my beloved child, divorced #1, married #2, divorced #2, and then decided to stay single and happy. I’ve held a variety of jobs in the administrative/secretarial field, and have had a great life, so far!